
Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free Worldのご協力を得て、昨年1113日、いわき市小名浜で行われた「汚染水を海に流すな!海といのちを守る集い」での英字幕入り動画を作成しました。

The following  was recorded  on  Nobember 13 ,2021,at the Aquamarine Park in Iwaki City,Fukushima,Japan

「No Dumping of Contaminated Water into the the Pacific ocean rally to protect 

the Ocean and Life 」

 1,A message from Ms. Chiyo Oda

2,A message from moms in Iwaki

3,A messages of moms from Okuma and Futaba

4,A message from Ms. Yumi Chiba

5,A message from Ms. Miyuki Iizuka

6,A message from Dr. Amano

7,A message from Professor Suzuki

8,A message from Mr. Tetsu Nozaki

9,A messages from Ms. Kowata and Mr. Sato

10, A message from “KOREUMI"

Supported by    Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World
